Before adding new printers, if you have old ones configured on your system, please refer to our article "Removing Printers"

Printer setup on macOS:

  1. Download the driver driver starting with "UFRII_..." for your system from from:
  2. Extract the .zip file in your Downloads folder
  3. Open the .dmg file contained in the .zip
  4. Run the .pkg installer file inside the .dmg
    1. On the welcome message, click Continue
    2. On the agreement, click Continue
      1. When prompted, click Agree
    3. On the standard install message, click Install
      1. Provide your fingerprint or password
    4. On the install complete message, click Close
      1. Click "move to trash"
  5. Open System Preferences
    1. Open Printers and Scanners
    2. Click "Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax"
      1. On the add printer window, click the Globe icon in the middle top
      2. In the address field enter the IP address of the printer you want. For EDU, those are: Dean's Suite:, 2nd Floor:, or 3300 Hallway:
      3. Change the Protocol: drop down to "Line Printer Daemon - LPD"
      4. Change the name to how you would like the printer to appear on your system.
      5. Open the "Use:" drop down and Choose "Select Software..."
        1. Select "Canon iR-ADV C5860/5870"
      6. Click "Add"
    3. Select the Printer that was just added
      1. Click "Options and Supplies"
        1. Click "Options"
          1. For "Paper Source Options" Choose "Cassette Feeding Unit AQ1"
          2. For "Paper Deck Unit" Choose "On"
          3. For "output options" choose "Staple Finisher AB2"
          4. For "Puncher" choose "2/3 Holes"
          5. Click "OK"
        2. Click "Done"

Printer setup on Windows:

  1. In your web browser, go to:
  2. Select your Windows Version, if not already detected.
  3. Download the driver starting with "Generic_Plus_UFRII_..."
  4. Run the .exe file which you just downloaded.
  5. Browse to the folder that was extracted (It starts with "Generic_Plus_UFRII_...") and double click on the "Setup" Application
    1. On the welcome page, click "Next"
    2. On the agreement page click "Yes"
    3. On the setup method window select "Custom" and click "Next"
    4. On the select process page click "Next"
    5. On the select configuration profile page, click "Next"
    6. On the Printer Information Page click "Add Port"
      1. Select "Standard TCP/IP Port" and click "OK"
        1. In the new Window, click "Next"
        2. In "Printer Name or IP Address"enter the IP address of the printer you want to use.
          1. Dean's Suite -
          2. 2nd Floor -
          3. 3300 Hallway -
        3. Click "Finish"
    7. Back on printer Information now, change "Printer Name" to the name you would like to see for this printer on your system. For example."Dean's Suite Canon" or "2nd Floor Printer" or "Educ. 3300 Hallway"
    8. Click "Next"
    9. Click "Start"
    10. If you can restart, check "Restart My Computer Now" and then click "Exit"
      1. If you can not restart at this time, simply click "Exit" and restart at your next opportunity. Please note that some applications may print incorrectly until the restart is completed.